SUBHEADING: OMG I'm so excited (but also still very cautious)
The end is nigh - but in a good way.
Second round of COVID Lockdowns in Sydney are finally seeing the first steps back to opening up, and I'm actually excited. With that said though, I went to the shop this afternoon, and walking without a mask made me feel unnervingly vulnerable, so I ended up wearing it anyway.
Pyrmont was still a relatively quiet affair - no crowds and many people seemed to feel the same as me with masks on and socially distancing. My friend Jake said Darling Harbour was super quiet too, despite today being "Freedom Day". And you know what? I'm kinda glad that we're not just bolting out of the cave with our heads in the clouds. There's still a ways to go before we work out the new balance of living with COVID in the population.
But enough of the lockdown blues - Before we look too far ahead and get too carried away, let's think about how the last 3 months panned out - reviews are an important way of taking stock and bringing the lessons forward to the new day!
Did you achieve any mini goals during your lockdown? Did you start any lockdown projects and which of these will you keep doing now that doors are opening again?
Let me know! I'd love to hear your stories!
What did I do?
I know I built a MUCH bigger COVID-padding layer than I did the first time around haha! I think I'm in for a shock once I swap out my trakkies for jeans and trousers again!
During lockdown, I wanted to learn a new song (or re-learn an old song) every week while not gigging. This is something I used to do all the time, but as life got busier it fell by the wayside. It was GREAT to rediscover the joy of learning new songs. I integrated much of this learning and practice into my weekly live streams, which was GREAT because I was getting requests for songs I don't normally play!
Here's the ones I learned:
Breaking The Girl - RHCP
Chemical Heart - Grinspoon
Crazy Love - Van Morrison
Days Like This - Van Morrison
Every Morning - Sugar Ray
Every Breath You Take - The Police
Heat Waves - Glass Animals
I'm So Broke - Taylor B-W
Landslide - Fleetwood Mac
My Completeness - Thirsty Merc
Perfectly Lonely - John Mayer
Rise Up - Andra Day
Sweet Pea - Amos Lee
Taylor - Jack Johnson
The One - Kodaline
To Her Door - Paul Kelly
Undivided Love - Thirsty Merc
Unwell - Matchbox 20
Let me know your suggestions for more songs to learn - I'd love to add more!
A BIG thank you to all of you who supported my live streams in the last few months. I had a ball!
Speaking of which, I decided to up my streaming game and entered the world of TWITCH.
I'd love it if you can follow me here: (CLICK THE BUTTON!)
I also have a special Twitch song request line here:
I've also refreshed my website, so take a look around!
I'm pretty proud of the changes - let me know your thoughts!
So what's next?
Gigs are booking up fast, and I'm feel extremely fortunate to have a filling calendar again!
Dates are always up to date on my Facebook Events page, so check that out here:
Finally on a personal level, I've started to tackle something I've been putting off for way too long....
My teeth.
I'm not one who's actually afraid of the dentist. I've always been too busy, or something was on, or I didn't have the money, or ... <insert your excuse here>
The undisputable fact is that I haven't been to the dentist in about 12 years... Do you have something that you know you really need to sort out but you keep putting off?
- So I've taken the plunge and I'm booked in to get my mouth fully healthy again this year. And by the time I recover (financially 🤣🤣🤣) in 12 months time, I can look at my options with some NEW teeth options. Let me know about your good/bad teeth stories? I'm already booked in, so I can't back out now hahahahaha... ha... 🙄
Anyways, if you're read this far, THANK YOU for being a great supporter!
As a thank you, send me your stories and your details and I'll send you a free gift! (I'll need your postal address!)
Stay safe - take care of youselves, and each other!
Much love,
