It may have looked like a quiet weekend for me, but with all the hustle, the work, the rushing and the gigs, always remember to also put yourself and your loved ones first - Remember WHY we do what we do, and that the most important gig to get to is your own.
If you recall, I proposed to my partner Angela almost 4 years ago ... and well, if you don't remember that, well here it is again! 🤣
Well, last Sunday (28th August 2022) was the SIXTH anniversary of the day Angela and I first met (not counting the many weeks of chatting before that - Thank you, #tinder)
On that day, we ended up coming to Coogee and walked a LOT and spent some time just shooting the breeze whilst sitting right on this spot on the south end.
Fast forward a few years, after ALMOST accidentally single-handedly routing an international family reunion by suggesting an international wedding, and getting through the multiple COVID debacles, we decided this year, on something simpler; stripped back; more... us.
Our first date, was pretty damn memorable, and sunrises are our thing so we agreed this was the perfect spot to tie the knot.
Working in the wedding industry, I'm fortunate to know just the right people to help us on this journey!
So at (around) 6:18am sunrise on Sunday, Ange Teulon from Simple Ceremonies conducted our beautiful sun-bathed ceremony right there on the cliffside where the first seeds of our love were planted (figuratively speaking) Thank you for helping us bring our wedding together!
The sounds of the ocean swell and surf below, the slightest breeze and the warm, rising sun was perfectly matched by the smooth and silky serenades of our close friends Jake Edgley and Ashleigh Leef - you both made our day so memorable, thank you SO MUCH!
Joined by Angela's brother Robert, who just happened to be in Coogee over the weekend got up early for us and honoured us as our ring bearer. As an added bonus, we were joined by the dawn joggers and dog-walkers who had stopped to watch us and our happy moment. They all cheered as Ange announced us as husband and wife, which definitely made the morning even more special.
Far from the noise of daily life, in the early hours as the world was still waking, our moment was about us. However this video is for you. All of y'all who have graced us with your love and friendship over the years. Thank you - we love you!
We look forward to catching up with you very soon! Always take care of yourself, each other and remember tell someone you love them!